
I’ve used Clubhouse for a week, list thoughts

  • fun

  • new

  • innovative

  • well-hyped. still at the phase where a lot of people I ask have no idea what it is — feels like there is a value is feeling early to something a la og facebook

  • feels different, not click-to-scroll, rather set the phone down, use other apps and leave it in the background

  • sticky, will use for long periods of time

  • has taken time formerly used on netflix, instagram, twitter

  • using Twitter differently as a comments section for discussing clubhouse

  • quickly introduced to niche professionals spending a material amount of their time also on the app

  • it’s easy to be drawn in to using the app and remain ensconced in privilege. having seen user communities not served has been important and i have sought it out. this includes survivors of assault talking about notification and blocking feature requests, and it has also included android users and deaf users. it takes intention to focus on the needs of those not met when it is much easier to go and enjoy services that work for me.

  • i have no idea when someone follows me but i find out my looking at my followers

  • somewhere in my mind i’m worried all of this voice content is training a model and society will be worse off for this non-obvious use

  • following people and seeing what rooms they are in and going and listening is an interesting way to navigate shared space

Testing this post with the share feature to both Twitter and LinkedIn to see what the experience is like