If you want to run the NYC Marathon you’ve got options; I did the 9+1 Program
1 in June
4+1 in July
3 in August
1 in September
52.3 miles total, a tenth of a mile shy of two marathons.
8h46min30sec total running time
6:01 min/mile fastest split — the 5th Avenue Mile race.
Volunteer shift: Check-In Time: 05:30 AM / Dismissal: 11:00 AM. Ended up being closer to 3h30min.
Process enhancements that made for a better race day experience:
Get the bib and swag before race day. My swag haul included: 6 shirts, 1 pair socks, 3 hats.
Get one clear bag and reuse it for all the runs. Same for safety pins
Download the race map pdf from the nyrr event specific webpage
On map, check out where the bag drop is. I ran one race with my bag in hand because the course didn’t end close to the start and I was too late go to check my bag 🙃
On map, check out elevation across the race, know where the hills are
Pin shirt before leaving
Subway or Citi Bike to the bag drop
Have the Bag check ticket easily visible for the volunteers and tie off the top of the bag
Jog to get your heart race up before racing. When I didn’t do this, I burned out more easily
Don’t rush the first mile. When I did do this, I burned out more easily
Less than a distance (I think 10 miles) there’s only water. More than that distance, there’s a Gatorade option / gel samples
RunGap can bring a run completed with the Apple Watch Activity app into Strava. I fought with Strava a few times, and this app solved my frustration. Very thankful for it! There is a one-time cost (I think $2) for that feature. I used this tutorial
Understand the corral metrics. I moved from I to H to G between last year and this year. The 5th Avenue Mile was sorted by age so I got to be in the E corral.
Longer races have a pace team; they wear a blue and white striped singlet and hold a sign on a stick the whole race with their mile race and end time.
If you need to walk or suddenly decelerate, raising your hand can signal your intent to people behind you. I’ve used this at hills and drink stations.
Pace cuts for the corrals
Example of the race map pdf available on the NYRR website before each race