
Satisfying answers are great! HTTP status codes are satisfying answers.

  • they are the standard

  • they are simple

  • they can help answer the question ‘why’

Sites I like that get into HTTP status codes

  • This zine for HTTP: Learn your browser's language! No prior knowledge required, and it’s pretty!

  • This site to generate different HTTP codes. I use it as a quick reference wiki. I also used it to learn about the easter egg 418, I’m a teapot*

    • *to be used by teapots if they get a request to brew coffee. We now have IoT appliances that can do that so this wasn’t too far off when it was made in 1998.

      • also credit for encoding with UTF-8 and providing global support with internationalization in URIs [URLI18N]. I enjoyed checking the Arabic "%D9%82%D9%87%D9%88%D8%A9" ; I used a URL Decoder/Encoder to decode that to قهوة

  • This site to trace the redirection paths of URLs including the HTTP status codes along the way.

I just updated this site’s 404 and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. To get there, just go add any random extension at the end of my site. Here’s an example, and check out what the URL shows after you get there: